

Alp Inc. manages a SaaS (Software as a Service) brand called “Scalebase,” which was developed for managing payment systems and sales. We are in charge of Scalebase’s rebrand, starting with creating a new logo. The goal of the project is to come up with a more timeless visual identity that the company will be able to use for decades. As such, brand usage guidelines and other items are also needed.


今回のリブランディングは単なる「ロゴリニューアル」に留まらず、Scalebase全体のコミュニケーションにおけるトーン& マナーそのものを定義しなおし、ブランドイメージそのものを意図する方向へとアップデートする事を目的に行いました。 ロゴマークは、リニューアル前のロゴで採用されていた「早送り」のモチーフを活かして制作。よりスピードを表現できる
ます。全体として「Scalebase は、お客様の成長スピードを加速させる企業です」というメッセージを込めました。

This project isn’t simply a visual redesign, however. We’re also developing a reliable system of communication for the company to use for consistent communication so as to improve the overall brand image, as per Alp’s instruction.

The old logo used the traditional fast-forward character to symbolize movement and forward-thinking, so we’ve kept this element in the new logo. However, we’ve revamped the symbol and moved it to the end of the text to emphasize that movement. This is further accented by the now italicized logotype leaning into the mark, also expressing their scalability and propelling power. Overall, the logo sends the message that Scalebase is the go-to brand to realize faster growth for their customers’ companies.


ロゴのブラッシュアップのほか、リニューアル後のアイテムを用いた様々なチャネルのデザイン制作を担当。 Brandguidelinesを通した未来のコミュニケーション設計のほか、 名刺やスウェットなどのコーポレートグッズの制作を行い、Alpのみなさまの新しいスタートを支援させていただきました。

In addition to the logo redesign, we also took care of the visuals for all corporate items such as business cards, sweat and t-shirts, as well as making brand guidelines for future use.


  • Art Director : AYA MOTOORI
  • Designer : SAKI KANDA


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